Green Calgary visited our school last week. Students are focusing on the Central Idea: Humans have an ethical responsibility for what they consume and create. The Powering Our World presentation made connections to our unit of inquiry in various ways and it was perfect as an introduction and spring board to our exploration. Energy, energy sources and carbon footprint were some of the activities that Gerald from Green Calgary presented to us. Below are some of the reflections the boys and girls communicated after the presentation.
The presenters discussed many things such as:
- LED vs incandescent lights
- what does electricity power and where do we get it from
- Renewable vs non-renewable
- Chemical energy
- Mechanical energy
- Energy types: coal, nuclear, tidal energy, Geothermal, wind, hydro
I learned the difference between led light and normal light and I also learned that is that we have energy in our cereal. A question I have is why do people not turn off there electricity when they are not using it? a question I have is why when you turn on a led light it is not hot but when you turn on the incandescent light it is hot?
I learned that you can power an Xbox with a bicycle and I learned a different types of power. How does water make power? I’m gonna change my light Bulb to LEDs
I learned that instead of saying heat it is called thermal energy and I also learned that you need 0.5 watts to start a Xbox. A question I still have is why are led lights not hot and why are the normal light hot when you turn them on? I am going to start turning lights off when I leave the room.
2 things I learned was how led will help the world and will save more money and if you put energy into stuff you get light
1 question I still have is how it can connect to our unit?
I will change me leaving lights on.
Two things I learned is how LED is better then normal lights and if you attach a chargeable bear to a solar panel and shin light on it, it will work the bear. One question I have learned is how did that bike make all those things work? One thing I am going to in my house differently is change out a light in my house.
I learned how to tell the difference between LED lights and incandescent lights, for example the incandescent lights feel more hot then LED lights.
A question I have is how did people first make the differences between the LED lights and incandescent lights?
I learned that when we switch to LED light it will save money. I also learned that when we use our cell phones we use a lot of electricity. I wonder when we use solar panels if it saves money or not? I don’t understand that if we our phones or iPads or whatever without wifi if you still have to pay
2 Things I learned is that LED eats up light so it does not waste that much electricity. Also another thing I learned is were we have energy in our cereal. A question I have is why people don’t turn off electricity and light when they leave? Something I could change is when we should not take long showers and use less electricity. Some of the words that I discussed is Renewable vs. Non-Renewable is where they showed us some pictures and they would ask is if this Renewable or Non-Renewable
I learned that LED is more better than normal light because LED save you more money and save more energy than normal light do. One question I have was how did they invented theses? I would change to LED lightbulbs because it saves you money and saves you any energy as well
Two things I learned was that a bicycle can power Tronics and lights are called LED. And I still have was that I was confused about the two last station.
I can Turn off the lights when I leave the room.
2 things I learned was LED is better for the world and a Bicycle can power Tronics and lights.I was confused about the other 2 stations that was there. I can use LED light bulbs.
I learn that you can ride a bike and then you can connect it to a generator and turn on a Xbox. I would rather use LED lights because then you can save money and turn of my lights when I am done everything in my room because then it saves Electricity
I learned that that bike thing can how are your Xbox and that what LED lights use less power A question I have is can you power your whole house with a bike? One thing I’m going to changes is turn the lights off when I leave a room
I learned that a the bike can power a lot of tv and computers. I also learned that Solar panels save energy. LED lights save more energy than normal ones. One thing I wonder is how is there so many types of energy?
2 thing I learned are were that a bike can make a x box work and I learned that led light are better than the light that most people use
1 question I still have is how is electric thing so strong?
1 thing that I will change is I will use led light
I learned that regular light bulbs give out more heat than LED light bulbs and LED light bulbs saves more electricity.
They had this bicycle that makes energy when you pedal and it’s called mechanical energy.
One thing I’m going to change of how I’m going to consume energy is not showering for too long.
2 things I learned was how led will help the world and will save more money and if you put energy into stuff you get light
I will change me leaving lights on.
I earned if u save more money u can put energy into u light and stuff.Another thing I learned that bike can power xbox.
I will change when ever I leave I turn off all the lights.
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